Time Management
“The things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.” Goethe
Many people have their desks covered with papers, e-mail boxes full to overflowing, computers where documents can’t be accessed due to poor naming conventions and lack of a solid “finding” system. They think they have these problems because they don’t know how to organize. Denise believes those are just the physical evidence of an inability to manage one’s time. While there is no such thing as “Time Management”, there is a VERY REAL THING called “Action Management”. By precisely managing our actions, we can actually “find” that lost time and arrive at goal completion.
- Task chunking similar actions to maximize efficiency.
- Time blocking.
- Finding the right time management and task list tools for each person’s unique style.
- Backward scheduling technique to meet and exceed deadlines
- Helping people understand one of the most effective time management tools is a two-letter word “NO”!